New Vacancies

Our Web site currently contains two languages (made ​​by me):
Appleverse Transformation 35: English (U.S.A.)
Appleverse Hard Disk 1: Portuguese (Brazil)

But it is obvious that there are people from other countries who would like our information about game emulation of Windows on a Mac, and I say this because we have access from other countries, as Germany. If you know German, join us to create a Appleverse in German.

If you are very good in any another language, or at least enough to translate the site, please contact me with this post to join the team and create the translated version of the blog in another language too.

The more, the merrier!

And now, the new Vacancy: Game Tester, just like me. It's difficult to find the perfect winetrick(s) for a game, so I'm opening vacancies for game tester, which will try to emulate Windows Games with Wineskin, just like I'm doing for months.

You don't need to do this everyday, and you don't need to buy new games just to test, but you can try it with your old and/or current games for Windows.